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Regular columns by Wombat authors

Wednesday’s Words: List of Loaths (Part II)

We all have a list of  words and phrases that we’d just as soon cut from the language. I already talked about giving 110%, 24/7, and coeds, but the following words and phrases are just as annoying and just as meaningless. Intestinal fortitude ties my guts into knots. I suppose with all the indigestible food that we […]

Wednesday’s Words: List of Loaths (Part I)

We all have a list of annoying words and phrases that we’d just as soon cut from the language. Here are some words I’d like to expunge, starting with a hundred and ten percent. If I hear one more person say he is giving a hundred and ten percent, I think I’ll scream or vomit or […]

Wednesday’s Words: Almost Exactly

My mother died almost exactly three years ago. To understand the humor rather than the pathos behind that sentence, I’ll have to tell you a bit about my mother. She spoke with perfect diction, in unstilted, unaccented English, and she loved words and word games, especially the kind of game where you take a word […]